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What position of the bed is best for sleeping in?


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When one thinks of sleeping well, one immediately thinks of a comfortable mattress, soft and breathable bedding, low-light curtains and a moderate room temperature. These are healthy habits that are scientifically proven. But if you take your rest time even more seriously, this article is for you!
Are you familiar with Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra? If this is the first time you've heard of it, you should know that Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice. It is based on the flow of energy in your daily life and in space to achieve balance. Vastu Shastra focuses on Indian balances, based on the science of architecture. These two practices have different histories, but their principles are similar. According to them, the way spaces are designed can be beneficial or detrimental to health.

Should you sleep with your head to the north? Or should you sleep with your head to the south? The answer in the next article!


The two practices are based on two different philosophies. However, they do agree that the design of spaces affects how your body responds to the elements around it. They are also based on the consideration of the four directions during sleep. These four directions are: sleep head north, sleep head south, sleep head east or west. And also, about the five major elements of nature: earth, fire, wind, space and water. Sleeping on a quality mattress, such as a Kipli latex mattress, for example, promotes restful sleep. But according to these two practices, what should the orientation of the bed be for a good night's sleep?

A. The direction of sleep recommended by the Vastu Shastra

The philosophy of Vastu Shastra is primarily concerned with the healthy use of space.
It is the science of living in harmony through energy. Regarding the direction of sleep, Vastu Shastra states that space interacts directly with the five main natural elements and that this affects the overall well-being of the body.
The direction of sleep recommended by the Vastu Shastra is to sleep with the head facing south. The reason is that the human head has a polar attraction. Therefore, it should be turned to the south to attract the opposite poles while you sleep.

B. You should not sleep with your head facing north

Vastu Shastra is a concept based primarily on space and how it affects health and well-being. Sleeping with your head to the north can cause nightmares and sleep disorders. If you prefer to sleep with your head to the north - the latter is positively charged - the energy of the mind and the earth repel each other according to the laws of the universe. This is due to the concept of the magnetic field of the earth and the northern and southern hemispheres. This magnetic repulsion affects the blood circulation and increases stress. According to the Vastu Shastra, you will wake up tired after this unconscious war because you have not had a peaceful night's sleep.

In addition, according to the principles of Vastu Shastra, sleeping with your head facing north has negative consequences. You may also suffer from emotional instability, weak willpower and many other ailments. There are also spiritual reasons why sleeping with your head facing north is not a good direction to sleep in.


The Vastu Shastra emphasizes the location of the bedroom. Ideally, the bedroom should be located in the southwestern part of the house. This part is associated with good health, longevity and prosperity. The northwest is also a good location for a bedroom, especially for children or guests.

Bedrooms in the southeast or northeast corners should be avoided. If there is no other solution, you can put incense or an aroma in the room.

In general, in the Vastu culture, good smells and aromas are highly valued as they can improve the mood and calm the mind. Using aromatic candles or diffusers in your room can provide a pleasant extra dose of comfort. Especially if they are refreshing scents like jasmine or lavender.

  • You can also put a bowl of sea salt in the room to compensate for the unfavorable location of your room with more positive energy.

In the bedroom itself, placing the bed to the southwest is the best position for your body to absorb the positive vibrations. A solid wooden bed with a square or rectangular shape is also recommended.

It is important to tidy up the room and keep only those items that have a positive influence. Above all, the room should contain useful things and things that bring back good memories.

It should be noted that wardrobes should be placed in the southwestern part of the room. So that their doors open to the east or the south. Both can be considered as the best orientation of the bed for a good night's sleep.

A. Are the principles of Vastu Shastra effective?

The benefits of the Vastu Shastra sleeping positions have not yet been scientifically proven. But some researchers point to the benefits of spatial principles for human health in general. Therefore, practitioners of this philosophy advise changing your sleep or bed orientation before taking other measures, such as changing furniture or taking medication.


Like Vastu Shastra, Feng Shui is concerned with your temple of rest so that you can have the best possible quality of sleep and a peaceful and productive day. This practice is more about the elements of your space and their effects on energy (called Chi) than the orientation of your bed. Certainly, Feng Shui is primarily concerned with the flow of energy in your living space. The goal is to avoid obstructions and maintain the right balance for good health and a harmonious life.

In this sense, Feng Shui recommends keeping your bed away from windows and doors and avoiding clutter in rooms. Other principles of Feng Shui include color schemes that identify with different life energies to help you get the energy to recharge your batteries while you sleep. We will look at this in more detail in the next article.

A. What is the best Feng Shui bed orientation?

Ancient practitioners of Feng Shui, such as those of the Vastu Shastra, prefer that the energy be directed to the south. According to them, this is where the warm winds come from, which are considered rich in positive energy. Most proponents of this philosophy will recommend that you place your bed away from doors and windows. This is to promote the flow of Chi while you sleep.

B. The myth of sleeping with your face to the north

Feng Shui experts and Vastu practitioners agree that sleeping with your head facing north is the worst sleep direction. Practitioners of both philosophies wonder why sleeping with your head facing north is such a common practice in Western cultures. Especially if you have blood or cardiovascular problems, such as anemia or high blood pressure. This is because when the body lies horizontally, your pulse rate drops. This prevents too much blood from flowing to your head. On the other hand, if you sleep with your head in a northern position, the magnetic attraction of this position can counteract this effect because it puts more pressure on your brain.

If you are of fairly advanced age, your blood vessels are naturally more vulnerable. So Feng Shui warns you that this northern sleeping position can be detrimental to your health. Not only can this position destabilize your energy levels, but it can also increase the risk of bleeding and certain types of vascular and cerebral disorders.


It's not always easy to choose the perfect sleeping direction: should you sleep with your head facing north or south? To the west or to the east? These are recurring questions that many people ask themselves. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the way you sleep can potentially affect everything in your life. Your sense of well-being, your emotional satisfaction, your longevity, etc. If you want to wake up with the best possible energy levels, supported by the earth's magnetic fields and the proper alignment of your living space, it is best to sleep with your head to the east or sleep with your head to the south. This can improve your energy levels, concentration and mood.
According to some Feng Shui experts, sleeping with your head to the east is the best sleeping position. According to them, this direction promotes meditation and concentration. You should consider sleeping with your head to the south if you want to achieve happiness and emotional stability.

Therefore, choose the east if you are looking for a better recovery and prefer the south for a deeper sleep. In addition, Feng Shui strongly advises against choosing intermediate directions, as they are linked to energetic instability and can cause sleep disturbances.
According to the principles of Feng Shui, the most important thing for sleep is not the orientation of the bed you choose, but rather the layout of the entire room. When you sleep, you are in a passive state called ""Yin"". According to the principles of Feng Shui, during this time you are more sensitive to the energies around you. So the location of your bed and therefore the types of energies flowing through your space affect the quality of your sleep. Here are some tips on how to place your bed for good Feng Shui.

A. The position of the bed in relation to the doors.

In Feng Shui, the bed should be placed according to the principle of the dominant position. It should be placed so that when you lie down, you have visual control over your entire space. The most important part to keep an eye on is the bedroom door. However, if you cannot place your bed in a dominant position, you should check the blind spot of the bed by using a mirror.

In addition to the dominant position, there are other guidelines to consider. Basically, doors should not open directly on any part of the bed, otherwise you will cause pain in the body parts exposed to the path of the opening.

B. Management of spaces on both sides of the bed

For adults, it is best to have empty spaces on the left and right sides of the bed. Feng Shui principles advise against placing your bed with one side against a wall. The purpose of these spaces is to allow a balance of yin and yang, to make the space more harmonious and healthy for each partner. If this is impossible for you, a small gap between the side of the bed and the wall may be sufficient. You can also balance the space by placing a mirror on the wall next to the bed to make the room more spacious energetically.
It can be added that nightstands with pointed shapes should be avoided. According to Feng Shui experts, right angles send negative energy directly into your body, which can lead to feelings of unease and restless sleep. If it's too late to replace your nightstand, you can soften the corners by covering them with a flowing fabric or placing a real plant on top.

C. Position of the bed relative to beams and false ceilings.

For better energy distribution, the space above your bed should be free of beams and false ceilings. These can create unnecessary pressure that conflicts with the fluid and harmonious movement of energy desired by Feng Shui.
Unfortunately, these architectural features are difficult to change in most homes.
One correction to these spatial features is to cover the top of the bed with fabric to mask the energetic function of the ceiling. If it is not a large beam, it is possible to blend the element into the ceiling by painting it the same color as the ceiling to make these parts of the ceiling less oppressive.


Feng Shui believes in the power of tone to inspire balance. Colors have a significant impact on the energy of a space according to the theories of Vastu Shastra. Like the orientation of the bed, the choice of colors can affect the occupant's health, prosperity, mood and general well-being.

A. How do you paint a bedroom according to Feng Shui?

The Feng Shui color code designates green as the color that represents the East and also wood. It is for family, health and long life. The West is represented by white, attributed to metal, for creativity and fertility. Red, the color symbolizing fire, represents the south, beneficial to those who covet fame, glory and good name. North, symbolized by blue or black, is associated with career and the path of life.

For bedrooms, Feng Shui practitioners recommend warm, rich earth tones such as bright brown, copper, coral, cream, peach, bronze and cocoa to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the room. Natural soft colors such as sky blue, green tones and lavender give the room a calm and tranquil atmosphere and promote healing energy. Bright reds and oranges are generally associated with yang, which represents the male side of the energy equation, and are therefore highly stimulating. It is therefore advisable to limit these extravagant colors in the form of sheets, pillows and other bedding accessories. If pink and red do not suit you, try variations such as burgundy, pomegranate, eggplant and magenta.

B. What are the colors recommended by the Vastu Shastra?

Given the role of the bedroom, it is preferable to keep the space light and fresh with calming and pleasant tones.
The Vastu Shastra emphasizes pinks and pale shades of red. These shades represent warmth and love in the Indian collective. Pink or pale red are the ideal colors for a couple's room, according to Vastu, because they strengthen the bond between partners and help keep conflict at bay.

Orange shades are also highly regarded by Vastu. This fiery color is highly recommended for active people, as it symbolizes ambition, health and vitality. Painting the south wall of your room orange can motivate you to achieve your goals. It is the best color for people who are looking for motivation or people who feel bad about themselves. But this color is not recommended for people with a bad temperament.

Colors like brown and light brown and other earth tones evoke stability and balance, which promotes feelings of peace and contentment.

The color green is also highly recommended because it evokes calm and relaxation. It is a good color choice for a child's room and for students because it encourages learning and knowledge.
Other shades, such as purple and lavender, are known to have a positive impact on health because they help calm the mind and dispel nightmares. In addition to making the room visually appealing, Vastu claims that purple has healing properties.

If you don't like bright colors and prefer an austere room, white is the best choice. This light hue is soothing and impeccable not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from the point of view of the Vastu Shastra, according to which white represents peace, freedom and purity.

In general, derivatives such as ivory, off-white or champagne are highly recommended colors for an open, light and calm space.

Ultimately, avoiding distractions, setting the mood and making the bed properly may not be enough for a good night's sleep. Could this be due to poor sleeping postures? For the skeptics: there is nothing to lose if you want to try it, and who knows, maybe it can revolutionize your well-being!

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